Cellulite is not a disease to be cured, but failed fat removed and trapped in the cavity of the skin, causing bumpy skin like orange peel.
Diligent exercise
Consistent exercise 3 times a week for 40 minutes is the most effective way. Select the type of exercise that many moving area of the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs to burn fat fast clot.
Eating tropical fruits
Tropical Fruit is a food with antioxidants, rich in vitamins, and high in fiber.
Brush Your Skin
In dry condition brush the surface of the skin with a special brush twice a day. This is the same as giving 'sport' on the skin.
Prevent Stretch mark
Stretch marks occur due to excessive stretching of the dermis layer so that the skin loses its elasticity. Prevention is a more appropriate way to deal with stretch marks.
Consumption Multivitamins
Approximately 1,000 mg of vitamin C intake per day is appropriate to boost immunity. Consumption of calcium to attack fat for rapid weight loss is not increased, and vitamin E, which became the major vitamins, which merit to maintain and nourish your skin condition.
Apply anti-stretch mark cream
Cream is a topical treatment (rub on the skin surface), is prevented. Choose a cream with vitamin A to stimulate collagen growth in order to patch the basin of the skin. Select also cream with caffeine content that can be absorbed by the skin. Apply after bathing. Especially pregnant women, consult your physician usage.
Body Wrapping
This therapy is easily done at home which break down fat through heat flow with the body wrap with warm towels or aluminum foil. Apply a special body mask that merit in maintaining the elasticity of the skin surface, then wrap with warm towel for 30 minutes.
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