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Every woman would have a different ritual in maintaining and caring for her beauty. In addition to reading from various sources, sometimes 'heritage' of the family or relatives is still frequently practiced.Because every woman has an skin and hair types of different, successful treatment for some people will not necessarily bring the same success for others. Therefore, before dabbling tip from someone else, it helps us learn the true facts.Myth: toothpaste to remove acneFact: Most toothpaste contains menthol which is to reduce inflammation resulting in acne, so the inflammation is more rapid improvement. However, it is only just help, not eliminate. Acne still need to be treated specifically with acne medication.Myth: The face should wear greasy oil remover productFact: This type of oily skin sometimes feels very disturbing and makes so insecure. Oily skin can’t be turned into normal. But you can reduce the excess oil on skin.But that does not mean you immediately rush to apply various kinds of oil products to ease removal. Precisely by doing so excessive, then the skin will be more stimulated to produce oil. Not better, just more added oily skin.The solution, choose cosmetics that use basic ingredients and lotions containing alcohol, because both are dissolved in fat. Using products that are formulated for normal skin is also a wise choice, because usually this type of product for your skin contain oil and water content are in balance.Myth: Cold water is good for large poresFact: When you wash your face with cold water, automatic pores will shrink. Likewise, when we wash your face with warm water, then the pores will be slightly widened. However, it would only take place at that moment.And, although done as much as anything, the effect will not last. Perform facial treatments such as cleaning the face regularly and use a mask or a scrub to help remove dead skin cells so that the face becomes soft and bright.Myth: Replace-changing products for skin not immuneFact: If used in the period constant, sometimes a product becomes diminished his usefulness, because our bodies naturally neutralize the material. However, if you are already fit on a single product and as long as both properties, it is not necessary to replace it with another product.If it's bored, maybe you can change the flavor or other types of the same product range. If too often replace a variety of products in a short time, you worry about wearing the wrong products which may not match the type of skin, causing irritation. If you have a match but the products you use properties began to decrease, may 'break' to use the product, and to temporarily switch to a similar product and come back again after a certain period of time.Myth: Eating nuts and chocolate cause acneFact: Acne usually occurs due to hormonal changes, diet and rest are not regular, pollution, irritation, and also the use of cosmetics is wrong. Sometimes there is the impression that if you constantly eat nuts or chocolate in excess amount will give rise to one or two of acne. This is not true. Perhaps we unknowingly cause is irregular eating pattern, which is usually accompanied by stress.Myth: Sleep 8 hours or more a day good for facial skinFact: The period of rest for each person is different. There is sufficient if only sleep 6 hours, but there is also need time to more than 8 hours to feel refreshed. In fact, in certain cases, there are enough sleep only 4 hours. Sleep itself is required not only for facial skin, but to the whole body metabolism. In this case that must be underlined is enough to make us sleep enough rest, so that when we wake up in a fresh condition, not much time sleeping.Myth: orange juice to disguise the black stain on the faceFact: Many skin care products, especially in the form of scrub or peeling using fruit juice products in the womb. Acid content in some types of fruit does help shed dead skin cells, so the skin becomes bright. This applies to black spot located on the surface of the skin. To stain inside the skin, usually need more intensive care.Juice acid content in skin care products are usually already raised the level of acidity. Therefore, orange juice alone is not effective enough to remove stains, and only a refreshing course.Myth: 'Rest' face care on weekendsFact: Even though you prefer the weekend resting at home rather than go outside, it does not mean your skin care products are also 'break'. Because such products as the protection of nature and nurture, so that should still be used as usual.Myth: Menstrual blood can make a smooth faceFact: The placenta contains a lot of hormones that can affect skin metabolism. In the world of beauty is often used placenta derived from animals in their products. However, menstrual blood itself does not contain anything related to skin care.Myth: stale tea helps eliminate eye bagsFact: eye bags caused by fatty deposits that 'trapped' in the tissue surface of the skin. This can be removed with minor surgery called blefaroplasti. Tea leaves contain antioxidants and astringents are tightening for the time being only, and not be able to eliminate the fat. Therefore, the effect will only give the feeling fresh.Myth: Hair not washed every day eitherFact: If you have a lot of outdoor activities or frequent exercise, then automatically you will be faster hair dirty and need washing more often, than those whose activities less. In some cases, if the hair is too dirty, then wash it twice a day is also not a problem.Now a lot of shampoo specifically formulated for use every day, so you can get rid of the worry of the impact on hair health. Because, in fact healthy hair begins with the scalp is always clean.Myth: Oily hair does not need conditionerFact: The level of oil found on the scalp only 'oiling' of about 1 / 3 part of the hair shaft starting from its base. So actually, it is oily scalp us. Hair does not produce oil itself, and therefore conditioner also needed to help moisturize the hair and prevent hair tip branching, especially for those who have long hair. So, after using shampoo, you are still required to wear hair conditioner, especially at about 2 / 3 section of hair until the end.
Many beauty experts who say that the beauty of our skin, among others, influenced by lifestyle, diet, pollution, and how we take care of her, because it is very true. But what if our lifestyles are bad, are often exposed to sun and pollution, and do not have much time to do beauty skin care at clinics that offer advanced Technology. One of the solutions is to use Cleansing Lotion and facial masks. Generally, a facial cleansing formula to remove dead skin cells causes dull skin and excessive sebum. However, most of these products are not able to break the strong hook molecules bind in the dead skin cells on the surface or Stratum Corneum. This causes the skin still feels and looks dull though it has been repeatedly cleaned. Why do not you try high-tech facial cleanser product? Currently, there are many beauty products are sold to solve complex problems in your skin, one of them is Blanc Expert Mela-No Cx Spot Corector,
where the product is a series of products consisting of lotion and face masks to maximize the color looks brighter for natural. Wipe off this lotion contains vitamin Cg with the active ingredient bleach component and enriched with Vitamin E, Ginseng Extract Tonic to refresh skin and honey is useful to increase the brightness of the skin, while for the product mask Advanced Whitening Light Blooming Mask is believed to revive your facial skin's natural light.
Does your face look dull and not bright? Perhaps the latest beauty products are his answers. now many premium cosmetic products that are created with the benefits that are very essential. Beauty care products have sophistication not only in terms of technology used for processing, but also contain active ingredients which is the result of the latest innovations. Sophistication is of course a very promising fantastic result. Are you interested to try it out?If on your face look spots, acne, sebum and blackheads are very disturbing appearance of your face, then automatically your face will look very dull, dirty and tired. one way is to use a serum such as is now done by many Hollywood celebrities, like Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta Jones and Elizabeth Taylor.So Many products of serum are offered, one of which is Serum De La Mer from La Mer which is legendary. This serum contains a substance that has not been commonly used in other products and this product has been patented, which is deconstructed water in the form of water molecules split in two. As a result of this water molecule has the power as a generator to generate energy and to optimize the ability of other substances namely proteins and enzymes derived from marine plants. Therefore you are encouraged to apply this serum regularly every morning and night to get beautiful skin in no time.
After you move all day at the office and from pollution and exposure to sunlight may you be lazy to remove makeup when I got home, so you do not have much time to apply moisturizer in the morning or night cream? Of course this will be very harmful to skin health, because the dirt will get into the pores of the face and accumulate. Therefore, you really need to do facials. But the thing is, in addition to facials should be done in the salon, the current squeeze facial acne was very uncomfortable and can actually aggravate skin conditions.Do you ever feel worried, now many products offered as one solution to improve the appearance of your face daily, so you can save costs for treatments and facials at the salon. you can try Clinique Turnaround 15 Minute Facial unique, which is a combination of face makeup removal process, chemically combined as to make peeling the skin glowing and soft with a more even skin tones. This product really needs to be regularly every week to improve skin texture and dull at the same time overcome the acne free skin.
Along with the increasingly diverse application of new methods in the world of beauty. The Laser methods are now increasingly being ogled. With its many advantages this method offers many highly optimized results like being able to remove acne scars or wounds, burns, disguising wrinkles and aging lines to stimulate re-growth of head hair. A laser machine produces a highly concentrated beam but very small capacity which is then directed at the skin surface area of the face or your body. Rays are fired it will scrape off the particles or cells damaged skin while stimulating the growth of new skin cells which then by the treating doctor is repaired to the skin surface can be returned intact. The rays are produced has a different color due to various types of laser machines. Long time necessary during irradiation process was very varied, several minutes to several hours, Depending on how broad an area that requires radiation and the type of laser method selected. There is a possibility you will feel tingling when undergoing treatment with laser methods. It is not possible also in some methods of pain or a burning heat you will experience. Usually before irradiation procedure took place, a doctor will check the condition of the patient's skin. If the patient has sensitive skin, it will be given drugs Anaestetic (local or topical) first. In some cases, provision of drugs pain reducer is recommended. Earnestly realize before you do it. Why is that? Because there are several reason you could think about, among them are: 1. Long will it take to recover is very diverse. In a matter of days to months and even years, so it takes patience in this matter. 2. Consequences that you will experience is: The pain of the skin surface, skin color changes in a certain time, the emergence of patches of redness, as well as the occurrence of skin abrasion. 3. Not necessarily the results you get will suit you want. It all depends on the type of method you choose and your skin condition. 4. Laser method is not a type of method of "one treatment". It took several visits to the doctor during the treatment until the healing period. And if one day decide to use the services of this laser beam, before and after its over a certain period should:- Avoid direct contact with sunlight.- Avoid to pulling out the hair / fur on the face and body, and the use of chemical drugs.- Stopping the use of acidic liquids such as Glycolic Acids or Retinol.- Use sunscreen wherever you go.
For adult women, making out is a term used to describe all sexual activity that can be done with a partner unless sexual intercourse. Some of them are holding hands, kissing, hugging or Felatio.These activities can be very satisfying and sexy, but you must remember about the dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through oral sex. Also keep in mind, ejaculates or near the vagina can cause big problems.A passionate kiss can lead rapidly toward intercourse. It is important for you and your partner to discuss the restrictions before the start of sexual activity. Make sure you understand where so far desired physical desires. Thus, you should not have any "accidents" in sexual relationships. Respect yourself and your partner by saying "no!" which really means no.If you and your partner do not make love that planned before her, it could adversely impact the relationship that has existed over the years. Maybe all this time everything went well. Many conversations, laughing together, but doing intercourse too early to end everything.Perform any sexual activity or not do it at all is a decision you should take yourself. Do not let others influence you to do things that are not desired or are not ready you are facing. The body is your personal property. The only one entitled to make a decision how to keep with best is yourself.
Who does not want to have beautiful skin well groomed? Almost all women in this earth will always crave the natural beauty, including you. How do I? You can follow the following guidelines.1. Avoid going to bed with his face still full of makeup.Makeup that you let the night will soak into the pores of the face. Pile up and can damage the skin condition. Make sure you clean your face twice a day in the morning and evening. This is done with the benefit to remove makeup and cleanse the skin itself.2. Do not forget to exfoliate dead skin cells.You can do scrub using scrub product. This is at least you can do one or two times a week.3. Conduct regular face masks.If possible, do it as often as possible. Ingredients of this mask you can make yourself which is made from natural fruits, for example, with bananas, avocados or Yoghurt.4. Do not forget to wear a cream moisturizer in the morning and evening.5. Always perform facial treatments with a subtle and careful, especially if you do it in private at home. This is very useful to avoid skin damage.6. When in the morning you have a plan to move under the sun, you should protect your face with facial care products that contain sunscreen.7. Expand consume fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of mineral water.8. Avoid stress, even if you regularly perform maintenance on the skin, but if it does not control the stress that would be in vain. If you know that stress can quickly affect the skin and your overall appearance.
So many factors that cause one's skin condition can change, depending on the circumstances of each personal skin, such as hygiene factors, humidity, wear sunscreen and so on. For more details you can do the consultation and skin care specialist at the clinic Dermatology doctor. Black Circles around the eyes and pigmentation caused by poor blood circulation smoothly. These problems can be overcome with adequate sleep and gently massage the area around the eyes for blood circulation becomes more fluent. Or you can also use the area around the eye care product that has the Active Light Reflector that can disguise the black shadow on the eye bags.One of the products that contain Active Light Reflector is Hydrafresh Eye as a contemporary product of L'oreal, Enriched with vitamins and minerals to reduce dark circles under the eyes with three of them working power; Refreshing facial skin, obscure shadows under the eyes and smooths skin, With three beautiful steps of a series of Hydrafresh Foaming Gel, Hydrafresh moisturizer and Hydrafresh Eye.
Actually, what might serve as a Symbol of the status of a woman's career? Is it only the appearance of the all sparkling? Very modern and sophisticated equipment that you can take it wherever you go, Not enough ability and skill in your profession act show at the level where you are?An expert in the field of consumer behavior state, that quite firmly that the actual work itself is the main indicator to show the status of a person directly or indirectly affect the work of a person's lifestyle, For example the use of time, fashion, communication styles, including the dominant activity performed. Eventually became the basis of employment status to get the prestige, respect and reverence.So the actual work performed by women shows the status of the woman's career, because including the position, expertise, professional field and not its major projects undertaken by the women. But apparently there are still many women who feel the need to get other symbols to indicate its status.Still not bad if you just simply show the actual status or strengthen a positive image in accordance with her profession. Unfortunately, there are many additional symbols that are used and used to boost his status. Why did this happen?The most visible problem or one of the most prominent of the appearance of a woman is attached to objects in his body and his activities performed. so do not be surprised if these things they're after first. As a result quite a lot of women who then puts mastery of the skills and professionalism to be of negligible concern.In essence, the professionalism of a woman's career is not only measured from the appearance and lifestyle. Achievements and the way they work have more added value than just a status symbol. For that, it needs openness to new things, a lot of reading and expanding interest. Thus the women's career will be the one who understands his own profession.Status symbol for the need, of course depending on the purpose and benefits, If their job requires her bulging important status symbol, it certainly is part of their job. Status of symbol can be beneficial when used with proportional. But when we use the symbol status for more than prestige, it seemed the woman's career should reconsider.
Fight celluliteCellulite is not a disease to be cured, but failed fat removed and trapped in the cavity of the skin, causing bumpy skin like orange peel.Diligent exerciseConsistent exercise 3 times a week for 40 minutes is the most effective way. Select the type of exercise that many moving area of the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs to burn fat fast clot.Eating tropical fruitsTropical Fruit is a food with antioxidants, rich in vitamins, and high in fiber.Brush Your SkinIn dry condition brush the surface of the skin with a special brush twice a day. This is the same as giving 'sport' on the skin.Prevent Stretch markStretch marks occur due to excessive stretching of the dermis layer so that the skin loses its elasticity. Prevention is a more appropriate way to deal with stretch marks.Consumption MultivitaminsApproximately 1,000 mg of vitamin C intake per day is appropriate to boost immunity. Consumption of calcium to attack fat for rapid weight loss is not increased, and vitamin E, which became the major vitamins, which merit to maintain and nourish your skin condition.Apply anti-stretch mark creamCream is a topical treatment (rub on the skin surface), is prevented. Choose a cream with vitamin A to stimulate collagen growth in order to patch the basin of the skin. Select also cream with caffeine content that can be absorbed by the skin. Apply after bathing. Especially pregnant women, consult your physician usage.Body WrappingThis therapy is easily done at home which break down fat through heat flow with the body wrap with warm towels or aluminum foil. Apply a special body mask that merit in maintaining the elasticity of the skin surface, then wrap with warm towel for 30 minutes.
Now you can make new types of facial treatments minus all such complaints facial swelling and red inflamed. With derma-sound care facials, you can enjoy the kind of facial skin care that is safe, and suitable for all skin types, even with problems such as sensitive skin and even acne. This treatment is also effective for aging skin.What the fuck, FACIAL DERMASOUND that?Derma-sound Facial is a facial that uses ultrasonic waves at 2 MHz with a mild voice as part of relaxation therapy as well as brighten the face skin in an optimal fashion.The following stages of treatment that you will get:1. Facial skin is cleaned with cleansing milk to suit your skin type.Cleansing milk which contains extracts of lemon for oily skin, and milk cleanser containing aromatherapy oils of geranium which very suitable for normal to dry skin.2. Removal of dead skin cells with products containing papaya enzyme. For those of skin that have acne topical lotion herbs for cleansing the skin on, smooth the skin and reduce blackheads.3. After the cleaning phase is completed, the skin also ready to be treated with Derma-sound tool. Stages dermasound consisting of peels and facials infusion, Lift useful Peeling dead skin cells in the outermost skin layer (stratum corneum) by 20% - 50%. While the infusion aimed at helping the penetration of the product (serum) for the active substance in the product can penetrate skin deeper.4. Leather face mask oiled, adjusted for skin type. For oily and acne prone skin, use mask contains extracts of lemon and sage. After the mask is removed, cleaned and oiled facial moisturizer that contains extracts of lavender. Finally, the face smeared with sunscreen SPF 30 which contains extracts of carrot.
When talking whitening products, it seems every woman to be enthusiastic. In addition to beauty products sold freely, such as body lotion, scrub, or cream, there are three powerful ways to make your skin bright and healthy, with the body through the IV injection, capsule body, and acupuncture therapy.1. Bleach InjectionCurrently, many clinics that offer care through the skin lightening body injection. Nothing like the sounds that seem 'creepy', this procedure is the same as injected fluids through the IV.The advantages of this treatment, is in the liquid there are various kinds of vitamins. Among other things, high doses of vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin B complex. This treatment in addition to brighten the skin, maintain healthy and youthful skin elasticity. This treatment is also safe because under the supervision of a physician.Old treatment about 1 hour 30 minutes, first the doctor will check the condition of the body, through physical and laboratory tests. If all are healthy, you are welcome to enter the treatment room, and doctors will infuse you with a liquid multivitamin earlier.This treatment can be performed 1-2 weeks depending on the advice of doctors and condition your skin. Enlightenment effect will be seen after 2 or 3 times of treatment, depending on your metabolism.After fulfilling this treatment procedure, guaranteed not only do you get clear skin, but also the body that feels more healthy and fresh. Endurance also increased because the content is in a liquid multivitamin. In fact, some women deliberately do this treatment once a month for the body is always ready to move and avoid all kinds of diseases.2. Body CapsuleAs the name implies, this skin lightening technique uses a machine that resembles a capsule by using infrared ray technology. Machine called infra therapy can help brighten the skin, shrink pores, and makes the skin more moist.Treatment of skin lightening with infrared machine, in addition to brighten the skin will also make the skin more supple and smooth.Total treatment duration 2 hours is relatively safe, because done with the supervision of a beautician. Machinery and products used are safe for skin, because it does not contain chemicals that can harm the body. Engine tech is also functioning for blood circulation, so that each completed treatment, the body feels more freshly. In order for optimal results, perform this treatment 3 or 4 times a week.3. Acupuncture TherapySo Many people maybe know that acupuncture needles can also make the skin brighter, this therapy is intended to stimulate certain acupuncture points, thus restoring all the functions of the skin, including blood circulation and metabolism. As a result, the skin so healthy, toxin was whole. The skin will look cleaner, brighter, softer, at once luminous.There are two groups of points in the body, which is the main point / primary (main point) and secondary. Both groups are associated with an Meridien (circulatory line) which lies spread to all parts of the body, hands and feet.Relations with these points throughout the body skin color is if stimulated, these points will restore blood circulation in the skin, thus eliminating the cause of Photo sensitivity (skin damage caused by UV rays). So, moments later gradually lost pigmentation and skin color became brighter.When consulting, you can choose which body part you want bleached. For example, only part of the face, hands, or whole body. Furthermore, the points Meridien (line blood circulation) in the part that is stimulated.The result of this therapy is permanent, unlike acupuncture therapy for slimming or treating wrinkles that should be repeated every five years. This therapy can also turn off an overactive melanocytes (melanocytes is a cell nucleus that makes skin dark skin have vlek). Scars can also be lost with this acupuncture needle. The color can be just average with other parts of the body.During the process of therapy that lasted 15 minutes, you will not feel a thing. There is little warm sensation when the needle through the blood vessels.Six hours after treatment, the skin will look fresh and bright. Gradually, skin color became more bright and shining. In order to maximize results, do 4 treatments. But it also depends on the conditions and the basic color of your skin.
The issue of depletion of the ozone layer caused by human activities, like pollution, felling trees, and so forth. Protective layer from direct sunlight is even more weak.Changes in extreme weather, from heat to cool which sometimes happens in the span of several hours can cause the skin to become stressed, causing irritation such as acne and dull skin. Not only that, so sweltering heat makes our skin becomes red, itchy, and if it occurs within a long span of time can cause skin cancer. Know your skin AgainDry SkinFEATURES: The skin type is usually easy to peel and small pores. Many factors can create dry skin problems. Among other things, cosmetics that do not match, the use of certain drugs, as well as the age factor. The more we age, the less moisture. Plus ill effects of the scorching sun and weather changes, both very influential on the health of dry skin. Skin so quickly reddened, scaly, itchy arise, and blackish scars if scratched.SOLUTION: For this kind of necessary skin moisturizer with high oil content.Oily SkinFEATURES: Typically, it can be seen from the large pores, skin easily arise blackheads and acne. Actually, oil is a natural protective layer of skin to keep skin moist.SOLUTION: Treat oily skin like normal skin. To avoid sticky, choose a moisturizer with high water content.Combination SkinFEATURES: Typically, the T (forehead, nose and chin) greasy, while the dry cheek area.SOLUTION: Choose a moisturizer for normal skin, because these species contain oil and water levels are balanced.Normal SkinFEATURES: This skin type usually looks soft, but not greasy. The skin was smooth and rarely acne. Even so, remain normal skin need moisturizers because moisture can be lost due to external factors, such as high temperatures.SOLUTION: Moisturizers for normal skin.Rituals that must be doneChanges in weather that can’t be expected to make you should be extra careful in caring for the skin. Not difficult, really, feel. Just do the 3 steps below, you are ready to leave the house!1. Sunscreen greasingHabits are outdoors sometimes make us forget the dangers of sunlight for the skin. Many people are reluctant to use sunscreen because it feels sticky on the skin. Or, just wear it when you're exercising outdoors, or while on the beach.Choose sunscreens that are water based so it is not too sticky. In generally, in the form of gel or spray, but it must be remembered, when we sweat a lot or while swimming, the sunscreen must be frequently repeated use.Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before exiting the room, and repeat again every 20 minutes. Each person has a skin condition that is different. Therefore you need to know the condition of your skin. In some people, whose skin is already red after 10 minutes under the sun screen.Do not forget to put sunscreen on other parts of the body that follow exposure to the sun, like the skin behind the neck and ears. To you who are not too many outdoor activities, or when it is cloudy or rainy days, wear sunscreen with SPF 15 level only. However, for frequent outdoor activities use SPF 30 or higher.Sunscreen found in cosmetic such as powder compact usually didn’t have a high SPF content, therefore, it is recommended for greasing sunscreen separately.2. Using MoisturizersCause the air in tropical countries tend to be damp, sometimes we often forget to use moisturizer, In fact, the moisturizer is very important in helping maintain the balance of water content in the skin.Typically worn in the daytime moisturizer before makeup and evening after cleansingIf you often perspire or after ablutions, it helps put more moisturizer on your face. The function is as a protective moisturizer. Therefore, despite being not perform activities outside the home, we still have to wear it.3. Applying Lip BalmCaused the skin of the lips does not have oil glands. So in dry weather conditions, we need the help of lip balm. Lip Balm effective to improve the skin dehydration, so the skin supple lips again.Sudden temperature changes can make the lips peel so cracked and dry. Choose a lip balm without added fragrance, dyes, or taste, because the skin of the lips are in a vulnerable and unable to protect themselves from chemicals and active substances contained in these moisturizers. Use petroleum jelly moisturizer without any mixture.As the prevention of everyday life, you can try different types of lip balm that is cosmetic as well. Avoid wetting the lips with saliva, because saliva contains many enzymes that are digesting protein that would cause the skin of the lips more chapped.
When being in love, Phenylethylamine was your master. Chest pounding, smile always graced your face, so it looks radiant. Obviously all will feel completely beautiful, Maybe a lot of praise that you will look more beautiful and attractive because cheeks flushed.No one can forbid you to enjoy its beautiful period fall in love, but that becomes a problem if you have a widow or a single Parent, uninvited suddenly a man stopped by and steal a piece of your heart. How do you address this?Love, like Pure Magic, Life is sweet mystery. Perhaps it is also true what they say Helen Steiner Rice, an American writer. Love is a beautiful mystery because of his love to come was never predictable. The proof, you do not ever think that you can feel fall in love again, even if you've never experienced feelings of disappointment and depression is prolonged due to the problem you are facing divorce ever before.About fair or not, if viewed in terms of social for the community which still holds strong east normative values, fall in love again when you hold the status as a widow it is considered very reasonable.Falling in love again this feeling it could cause negative impacts and positive to yourself, depending on how you respond to it. However, in Psychological, love is an emotion that can come at any time, just as angry, sad and disappointed. And as emotions, love comes indiscriminately, regardless of whether you are single or you're married? Jai is very possible if you feel in love with another man even though you've tied a rope before her marriage.But if the feeling falling in love is channeled in a positive way, your attitude will also look positive. Your life will seem more colorful.
Invisible to the eye does not mean you are not a priority in care. Veil has the potential to reduce the smooth air circulation in the scalp, therefore it has become imperative for you to treat your scalp is more accurate. With a healthy scalp, hair that would also maintained a healthy growth.Healthy is your hair?Is your hair often fall in the number of 'worrying'? Does lately often itchy scalp and felt damp? Find out immediately, and try to check the health of your scalp first. For practically healthy, you must pass the state head of the following two requirements.1. Characteristics of healthy hair begin with a healthy scalp condition. Characteristic of a healthy scalp is not red and whitish, the head feels supple skin texture (not rigid because dry), no signs of inflammation or lumps, and on each hair root is no inflammation and skin surface is also smooth head.2. A healthy scalp is usually in each hole containing 2-3 hair shaft. Hair rod itself must be flexible, shiny, not scaly, not branched at the tip and when withdrawn or bent is not easily broken.Common Problems Hair RidingPreventing problems are better than cure. If the veil is part of your outfit daily, you need to know since the early problems that might arise in the future or, lest you're experiencing right now?1. DandruffTrigger: The condition of the damp hair is triggering the growth of mold, and if left unchecked will continue to breed so comes the dandruff.Hooded hair are more likely than not veiled damp. Damp scalp which is a nice place for the fungus to grow and multiply.Prevent: Any time after the move all day, immediately open the hood and wind-wind your hair is damp to dry. Wash your hair with a shampoo formulated for everyday use, especially if your activity solid.Regularly replace your hood every day for the scalp is always fresh. Also, use a hair tonic to nourish the scalp and keep for fixed head area of skin pH balanced.Fix: When dandruff has appeared, immediately replace you with a special shampoo used to treat dandruff hair. Do creambath anti dandruff regularly once a week for a month in a row until the dandruff is really clean.If dandruff is still stubborn, do more intensive hair treatments at salons that offer good predicated dandruff intensive eradication program which is usually accompanied with a diagnosis of machine tools and sophisticated serum, and give your hair progress reports at each session.2. Fall outTrigger: Hair loss usually occurs on the user's veil because I use the less true. Common in women with long hair, Hair was tied too strong and then covered by layers jibab which will cause pressure on the hair.Prevent: Wear the veil of an elastic material and if possible, not in layers. We recommend that hair is not left too long for to disentangle, if possible length below 60 cm.Overcome: Shampoo alone is not enough to stop hair loss. You need to use a hair mask and serum specific hair loss. If this does not give maximum results, it's time to visit a skin clinic to check on your scalp and overcome the loss more seriously. Because, hair loss can also be caused by physical factors, such as hormones and diet, or non-physical that is stress and insomnia.3. Saucer (oily & not volume)Trigger: Because we live in a tropical country, the state automatically closed head sweat more and increase production. Excessive sweating that causes the scalp to quickly damp and dirty easily, so the hair so limp and not volume.Prevent: You must be diligent in washing your hair and cleanses the scalp thoroughly. If so limp, it is recommended to do it every day. Reduce the use of conditioner. To avoid the ends of the hair becomes dry, you can use the conditioner only at the end of the hair only.Fix: In addition to replacing shampoo, for those who need to limp-haired 'relaxing a hair of hair styling products, like gel, wax, hair spray, or hair mousse because it is incriminating. If your hair difficult to manage because it is too limp, maybe it's time to change the style of hair clippings as well with clipping technique or model short with a trap in the back, so the hair looks more volume.4. ItchTrigger: Itching is caused by an infection of the scalp caused by fungi and bacteria. Scratching habits also increasingly aggravate the situation because it will cause inflammation.Prevent: Make sure you match the shampoo being used. If it turns out the problem lies in the shampoos, immediately switch to another product. Make flushing more carefully after every hair wash. Avoid scratching the scalp, rinse with warm water is also highly recommended if itching to attack.Fix: When the itching became so painful, it is possible there has been a chronic inflammation in the scalp. Immediately to the dermatologist to get intensive care, and stop scratching your scalp.
Meet your partner or attend special events with their loved ones would make you want maximum preparation. Not just for the sake of beautiful appearance, but also to look fresh and fragrant.
Grab your man's heart to keep it intimate with you through the sensual aroma that will make it romantic couple. Find the properties through a sensational body care products that contain a series of velvety musk, floral lily, oriental jasmine, vanilla, sweet, and romantic rose.Ritual Bath 1. Bathing alone will not enough to make the skin smooth and soft. Previously, do the body scrub using a soft body scrub like the texture of whipped cream. For that, try Soft Satin Body Polish that will shed the dead skin cells so the skin becomes smooth, fragrant, and ready to accept the moisturizer. 2. After the skin smooth and bright, you can relax with a soak in the bath tub. Use Silken Lustre Buble Bath, body cleanser that pampers your skin with a soft creamy texture, creating sensual foam in the bath tub. The skin became really fragrant 3. Clean the body via bath shower using soap-free cleansing gel with a silky texture, rich moisturizer that overflow foam. Skin feels clean, fresh, and fragrant. You can try Sumptuous Silk Shower Gel containing CT Organic Honey from Zambia. Or, try the soap dense, Creamy Cleansing Body Bar, a foam body cleanser gently touches the skin.
Being a mother is a choice and pride for all women. From start pregnancy, childbirth, and to raise a child to see her beloved children succeed. How about the woman who has the status as a single parent? As a woman who has the status of single parent with joy and sorrow of her life to raising children. This is a passion for me to be Single Parent women. So many kinds of sad and happy stories that I was feel, which has occurred by the thousands of women who have the status of Single Parents Women. From the start the disappointment of her ex-husband, feeling disappointed not to have a variety of jobs and thousands of pathos, disappointment and despair.But whether we should always look at all sides of the issue backward? Oh of course not ... because by looking at the background of past events that will never find progress. Instead it will be depressed for you. Mirror of from the past is necessary, but we must take the positive from something that has happened in our lives. Every single female parent always had a passion for raising their children become successful despite the self-sacrificing. There is no word for me to give up being a single female parent. Because by being a single female parent, is one option in my life. Day after day, month after month, year after year I will always face obstacles despite his weight. God may always protect me during his life.
No need to replace your glasses with contact lenses to appear charming. Glasses and proper makeup can make eyes look more beautiful and expressive.Will look more natural if your choice of glasses is a formal model to impress the professional as this brown rimmed glasses and then the most appropriate makeup shades to accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes, Please rub brown eye shadow which contains all the shimmer on the eyelid. Use eyeliner only in the corner of eye for eye keep its form but not excessive for the makeup in the morning.TIP:- On the corner of the eye always use colors like brown soil toward black, eyes that looked wistful for a more established.- Makeup should always make the dimensions of the eye. How, combine matte and shimmer makeup character.- Flash always lashes and add mascara to make eyes as if the more up and open.
As we know, that the sun can damage the skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and even skin cancer. By using sunscreen every day can reduce this risk.
To keep the skin to stay healthy and young, there was another step easier. Way simply by eating more of certain foods are more nutritious.
The best way to deal with skin problems existing and new problems is the treatment of the. Here is a great nutritious food for beauty, health, and youthful look. Among them:1. EggsEgg is one of the best food sources rich in selenium, an essential mineral that can strengthen the defenses of skin cells to ultraviolet light. According to several studies in the country of Scotland, selenium may reduce sun damage as much as 37%.2. TomatoesA red of tomato contain more than 4 mg of lycopene a special compound that can prevent sun damage. Cooked tomatoes rich even more lycopene., by simply adding phones tomatoes, tomato sauce or salsa to your favorite menu so you can get a better skin.3. Fish fattyFatty fish are fish that live in cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, rich in healthy fats, omega-3 that trigger wrinkle-combating inflammation, accelerating the formation of skin cells and provide new nutrients to the muscles that keep skin taut.4. Green TeaGreen tea is now widely used in skin care products. Green tea is rich in polyphenols, natural chemicals, which protect the skin from the swollen caused by the sun, preventing the growth of skin cells pre-cancerous and cancerous. According to scientists, the content of polyphenols that seep into the skin cells act as a natural sun block so that it can increase the skin's natural protection against the sun for up to 83%.According to nutrition experts, foods containing carbohydrates such as bread height and soda is white biggest trigger wrinkle. One professor who the name Dr. Perricone said that this food will make blood sugar levels rise higher and trigger inflammation in the skin, so that the inflammation will damage the collagen, reducing the elasticity and accelerate the formation of wrinkles on your skin. Therefore, to combat early aging suggested protein-rich diet, essential Fatty acids and antioxidants. It is advisable to avoid foods containing Glycaemix The high index such as potatoes and rice. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
If you are more aware of its importance to keep your skin health, you should immediately change all your bad habits in order not to consume food that contains high sugar drinks and Alcohol, Coffee and tea (except green tea). You need to plan your diet so that you will feel an efficacy and benefits to be more youthful.
Before signing an employment contract, usually the company will first ask you, as a prospective employee, probationer. This initial period is very important, because it will determine whether or not received your work. Probationary period ranging from three to six months of this often makes you uncomfortable.
But that does not mean you can get lazy to work, it was time to show off so you became a permanent employee. Here are tips that you can follow.1. Work like a permanent employeeBuild a reputation that you are indeed eligible to be appointed a permanent employee. Show a good performance by coming on time and meet business hours and complete the task on time. The company's main intention to make the trial period is to ensure employees are consistent with the job. Not that after six months you can get lazy.2. Master the job requirementsLearn the job description carefully and hone all the skills needed to live it well. Impress is a good show with reliable when working alone or together as a team. When you can master them, your boss will assess that you are not only flexible but can also develop within the company.3. Identify companiesLearn all the things, ranging from what products they make, what services they offer to their whether its beneficial results. Ask the classification whenever possible because it demonstrates your enthusiasm and interest.4. Establish a good relationshipEstablish good relationships with superiors as well as professional. You just have to keep your attitude is always sincere to differentiate lick. Always greet and give full attention each time to talk to. Familiarise yourself asking if hit by confusion regarding the assignment office. Pretending to understand will only make you look stupid later.5. Reach colleagueBegin with an attitude of polite and friendly, supportive and receptive to fellow employees. If one asked for your help, give help. If you make a mistake or need accompanied by it, do not immediately defensive when criticized.6. Do not be carelessDo not try to play with companies such as late or lunch time is too long. act professionally.
You can have your own definitions of what love is. Or do not need to define, just feel it. There are a number of notes about how love can be strength. It may be that you had never tasted one of them, if you currently need the words of love for you to write in a greeting card love for him.1. ForgiveThe worst anything ever happened to you can’t so easily forgotten, however, you can forgive yourself or others. That's because you meet the hearts and minds with love.2. Learning to know othersAs soon initiate a chat with someone else, you could start by asking what he loved, what foods are popular, what is the most unpopular of his residence, nor what his favorite music. Nice to hear what people loved in her life, you can find how light on his face and the passion that emanated from someone when expressing what they love. In this way, you can learn about other people, with love.3. Positive EnergyFeelings of love that was grown in a person into a positive energy that will always attract good energy his way. You need not bother to get it, because love has its own way to find you.4. InvincibleLove always wins, but not necessarily wins everything. When you start to not believe in miracles or the positive energy of love with a vow not to marry, soon you will find a soul mate and be happy with it. Love wins over your doubts. Then you think with logic, with economic conditions increasingly expensive you do not want to have kids. However, the child was born two or three of you a happy marriage. Heredity you complete your family, a remarkable gift of married life. Once again, love never lost, he showed strength even though you always doubt.5. Learning to accept couplesHow high your standards for a mate? Measure how much the later levels of deterioration in relations in pairs, because the standard was not too satisfied because you're likely to sue and not the guide. Love shows how, make you happier by learning to accept and / or teach couples with affection. Love makes you and your partner to grow and the desire to understand each other needs.6. So close to youLove was never far from your life, if you open yourself. It may be that you crave the perfect man throughout life, even though the person actually is all around you. Could be he is your partner today. Or, people closest to you have been ignored. Then a few years later you realize he's just always there for you, and the deepest heart said yes, you love him.7. Growing strengthenYou will not be willing to exchange the intimacy, trust, bond strength, comfort, that you find along the whole way with a partner for decades. The love that grows with the need to learn from each other makes you brought deeper and deeper. Making life better, and it means more than just a feeling of falling in love.8. Defeating fearLove can defeat fear. When you feel unable to care for children alone, because the love pair. you believe he will always be there to solve all problems together. Concerns pain turned into quiet because your partner will take care whenever you need. The love that grows in the pair was able to defeat a variety of fears.9. Simple and funLove can be found from the smallest or the simplest things in your daily life. From the simple assistance in the kitchen after dinner, Husband whistling while enjoying his time in the bathroom, Small kisses from your daughter read her story was over. Your child's smile of satisfaction when successfully won the match at her school, from the daily running throughout life, formed a strong bond that unites you.Or you have a small note at home, which strengthens the love of spouse, child, family or life today? Interpret it as you, provided you are happy with it.
Marriage without legality will only put women at a defensive position, without protection, when marriages could no longer be saved.Many motives marriage without legality background, the Commissioner for National Commission for Women mentions economic motive becomes the main factor. Another factor is social status, that women from lower classes can improve social status by marrying a man from the social status of such officials or religious leaders. Marriage without legality can also occur on the principle of mutual benefit without commitment, where both partners realize mutual understanding of marriage is not based on formal marriage institution.Whatever the motive, women should be more open or given the opportunity of access to information and knowledge to be more able to protect themselves.Community, state, religious leaders, even media to educate citizens about the role of religious law and the law as related to the concept of state protection of marriage.Furthermore, marriage records or marriage certificate must be understood as a form of protection for women. Especially considering the case of domestic violence puts more women as victims."If couples begin marriage as a good faith then the process must also be good. In the household needs to have the legality of which can be verified,
Shopping for most women, feel very happy. They so enjoyed the time around the shops, stores and boutiques selling clothing, to choose, try, and then buy the clothes they want. Nevertheless, not infrequently the enthusiast this shopping just move the clothes from the shelves stacked windows for a wardrobe, because apparently they do not absolutely love it!Not only the enthusiast who is often wrong shopping purchases, those who like Sort-select and calculating the time to buy clothes too often squandered. Well, so this incident does not happen again, note the following fashion shopping guide:1. Shopping aloneShopping with my friends it does look more fun and exciting, but often you are so provoked; buy items you really do not want, just because of their suggestion.2. Use a shoe / sandal favoritesThis is important, to be considered coherent fashion an appropriate match with sandals / shoes. Do not till, you buy clothes that do not match with your favorite footwear, so you're forced to buy new shoes again, which means: a waste!3. Consider lightingWhen selecting clothing, find a place that has a white lighting. It aims to ensure that the original color of the dress you choose, because generally most shopping centers using a halogen lamp that can obscure the original color of clothing. You certainly do not want to be disappointed when you get home, see the color of clothing does not match the one shown earlier in the shopping center.4. Try in the fitting roomTo avoid any regrets because of its size does not fit the size of the body you should always fitting clothing that will be purchased. Keep in your mind that, each fashion labels have different sizes. So you have to be more observant and try it.5. Take advantage of mobile phone camerasIf your phone has a camera, take advantage of your current view to a slingshot in the dressing room. This can help you in deciding what is appropriate dress and suit worn on your body, so it's less likely you are to buy the items to be regretted.6. Secure yourselfEvery time you shop, be sure to always wear underwear or lingerie, to avoid the worst possible moment you have to try on clothes in fitting rooms.7. Avoid trendsBuying clothes that are the trend will only make you look like twins with the followers of other trends. Try more creative in your fashion wear clothing that is slightly different and unique impression.8. Choose fabricAlthough fashion is well-known brands output, but if you do not make yourself comfortable it will be in vain. Therefore, choose clothing made from soft materials, heat and gentle on the skin such as wool and cotton.