Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

The Benefits of Vitamin-C for Skin Beauty

The experts never tired of working and developing vitamin C to be used as the main ingredient of a variety of beauty products, especially skin care products. The reason, according to the invention as well as research that has been done for years, they discover the benefits of vitamin C which is very good for maintaining health and beauty skin.

1. Why Vitamin C?
Since the discovery of dozens of years ago, vitamin C has been known to have the ability and power of work is so amazing. In addition to boost the immune system, vitamin C is also useful to maintain the strength of connective tissue (which serves to accelerate healing of wounds, burns, and broken bones), strengthening the elasticity of the connective tissue and cartilage on the sidelines of the joints in the spine (thus preventing the occurrence back pain and sports injuries), increased absorption of calcium for bone formation, influenced the formation of red blood cells in bone marrow, even inhibit the formation of nitrosamines which are substances that can cause cancer.

Other studies have found that vitamin C functions as an antioxidant that can prevent the oxidation of saturated fat to form peroxides that are harmful to the body and can impair the cardiovascular system (the originator of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, etc.). This is useful for the manufacture of collagen network which serves to strengthen the skin, cartilage, tendons, and blood vessel walls. Collagen contained in it can help stimulate skin cell rejuvenation process, which helps prevent premature aging and overcome various skin problems.

2. Drunk or applied
Vitamin C can be consumed directly or applied to the skin. Highly recommended to take vitamin C regularly, to maintain health and increase endurance, it is advisable to take vitamin C with doses between 500 to 1,000 mg / day. To maintain skin beauty needs of vitamin C with doses of 500-2000 mg / day. Meanwhile, to reduce the spots blackish on the skin of vitamin C is recommended to consume between 2,000 to 4,000 mg / day in the form of buffer (no acid) that can be consumed 1-1.5 hours after a meal. Although safe to consume in high doses and is soluble in water, while taking vitamin C is recommended to augment drinking water to avoid the occurrence of crystallization in the kidney.

Today, vitamin C widely used as the main ingredient in many skin care products. For example, if applied to the skin, vitamin C will act immediately to protect the skin against oxidative-stress (free radicals) that occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet rays that cause premature aging of the skin problem.

3. Skin Care Products Right
In the midst of an offer skin care products containing vitamin C, of course you should be more vigilant in choosing. Moreover, vitamin C has a pH or acid level is high, so that if excessive will give unfavorable effects to the skin. So that was the wrong choice, note the following:
- Because vitamin C is generally unstable and easily oxidized, so that its benefits may be reduced or lost altogether, select skin care products that contain vitamin C that looks stable, such as Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate. Vitamin C that looks less stable is Ascorbyl-6-palmitate, while the much less stable is L-Ascorbyl Acid (active form). Products with vitamin C is stable is usually very expensive.

- Choose skin care products that contain vitamin C it has been through the process of Nano-Technology. Typically, the products have been through this process the size of the active molecules or particles smaller than the pores of the skin, so it can soak into the skin optimally.

- Choose skin care products with a dosage or concentration of vitamin C content of at least 10%, because the dose is effective in improving tissue biosynthesis of collagen and elastin network, while lowering (up to 52%) the effect of UVB in causing the signs of sunburn (erythema), reduce the number of cell- the burned skin cells from the sun to 40% -60%, and can tarnish black vlek caused hyperpigmentation and improve wrinkles.

- In general, skin care products containing vitamin C can be used for all skin types. The important note is the foundation or base of the product.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Simple Way Happier

How do you calm down when he was uncomfortable with the situation, sad, or depressed? Contemplation while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, call your friends to confide in an all-out, or just pick a day of sitting in the room?

Whatever your choice, it is most important is its effectiveness. If you can regardless of the pressure after that, then how do you go through successfully, other than a few ways that have been mentioned earlier, here are some simple tips to banish stress:

1. Open the old photo album
Flipping through old photo album that stores your most beautiful moments with your partner, family, or friends, can help you escape from stress. A study in the United Kingdom's Open University revealed, the mood someone is going to improve until 11% after looking at photo albums, while the effects of alcohol or watching entertainment shows on television only affects about 1% to the improvement of mood. To keep your mood, try to put up photos of loved ones at your desk. Or, save it as a computer screensaver.

2. Snack nuts
Instead of taking a box of chocolates to boost sagging morale back due to stress better grab a handful of peanuts. Omega-3 fats in nuts. according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh was able to reduce depression. Fats in nuts are also will not make you fat.

3. Breathe Aromatherapy
Some people love the smell like the aroma of fresh fruits to evoke mood. Others are choosing the scent of lavender or chamomile to make the mind stay calm and focused. Please select according to your needs and your indulgence.

4. Open doors and windows
In the morning when waked up, open wide your bedroom window. Let the cool breeze in the morning came in, too warm sun rays. When you have lots of time, eat breakfast in the open (or at least near the window). Believe me, your mind will be much fresher, you also become better prepared to start the activity.

If the workplace were no windows overlooking the open space, take a few times a day to just get out, walk around the office, to enjoy the outdoor atmosphere. According to research Daniel Kripke of the University of California, a person the opportunity to enjoy the sun more easily overcome depression and sleep more soundly at night.

5. Clean-up
Activities clean room or home can make you better, because it does not require much energy to think, all of them systematically. After all fine and neat, you'll feel better.

6. Place the happy face
As bad as any situation, no matter how sad you feel, try to smile. According to some research, smiles will make the facial muscles to give signals to the brain that you are okay, and ultimately, improve your mood.