At the age between 20 to 30 years, skin is in most excellent condition. Too much care it will result in less good for the skin. If there are treatments that can be done usually more problematic in the skin or to keep skin in top condition, anything, really, the things that do not need to be done before the age of 30?
1. Avoid heavy peels Microdermabrasion or chemical peels such as excessive.
Done if the face problems with acne / freckles appear, Should do at the end of the age of 20, the Solution is Perform periodic scrubbing with the product is safe, lightweight, maximum 3 times a week
2. Not to need botox.
Botox is allowed only to improve muscle disorders, such as repetitive twitch. You do not need botox to address facial wrinkles, because skin cells are still active and could be improved the skin elasticity.
Solution: In order to beautify the face, perform routine maintenance, keep the food, enough sleep, and exercise. Do not forget to take care of skin elasticity with a moisturizer in the morning and night cream before bed.
3. Avoid aggressive anti-aging products such as filler or injectable hormones.
Your skin is still in good shape, so do not need filler or injectable hormones, because Hormones that excessive negative impact, such as the emergence and vlek spots on the skin.
Solution: Use anti-aging product that is safe and mild, such as cream or vitamin antioxidants anti wrinkle
4. Do not try any skin whitener
Not a few whitening products that contain mercury. This bleach does give instant results in a short time. If used in the long run, mercury deposition will occur on the skin. If you stop, the skin looks more like black than the original, similarly hidroquinone content in bleach, so use of hidroquinone in a long time to make an uneven skin color.
Solution: Use a bleach product officially registered. Should always consult a doctor for skin health continues to be monitored. If you already have one of these skin problems over the internet, please intensive care at a dermatologist. The skin can return to its original state, provided that you perform regular maintenance in the long term.
5. Do not be easily tempted Collagen cosmetics.
Collagen does make the skin supple and youthful, but, can’t be absorbed only by applied. Collagen injections should be postponed, because the age of 20 muscle tissue and skin conditions are still very healthy.
Solution: To stimulate collagen, you can eat foods or supplements containing protein and amino acids. In addition, you can use a topical product containing tretinoin in light levels, with the supervision of a doctor.
6. Not to need injections of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for the skin, which can prevent premature aging. At the age below 30 years, the need for vitamin C is still to be addressed effectively by oral consumption.
Solution: Include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C contents meals daily.
7. Do not indiscriminate taking supplements.
Supplements are good for the skin that contains antioxidants including vitamins C and E. Do not over-taking supplements, basically, the contents of supplements to each other almost the same.
Solution: Pay attention to the content of supplements that you consume. For ages below 30, which is needed is a supplement of antioxidants such as vitamin C tablets and E. Use according to the recommended daily dose.
8. Liposuction (liposuction) is not necessary.
Fat body begins deposited at the age of 30 years. Before that age, our body systems are working well, so no need to do liposuction.
Solution: Exercise regularly setting up fiber-rich diet can prevent fat accumulation.
9. Postpone surgery facial attractiveness (facelift).
At age was 20-30 years, suppleness and elasticity of the skin is still very good. So, do not need a facelift.
Solution: Apply anti wrinkle cream containing tretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A to resist the aging process, prevent the ill effects of the sun, and the depletion of collagen).
10. Postpone surgery tummy tuck or get rid of fat and skin in the abdominal area.
Sagging stomach due to give birth makes many women feel the need to do tummy tuck. But, you should not do it. Before age 30, usually the body's metabolic system is still very good, so the skin area can return to normal with the help of sports and topical creams.
Solution: Avoid fatty foods and do exercise regularly muscle formation.
1. Avoid heavy peels Microdermabrasion or chemical peels such as excessive.
Done if the face problems with acne / freckles appear, Should do at the end of the age of 20, the Solution is Perform periodic scrubbing with the product is safe, lightweight, maximum 3 times a week
2. Not to need botox.
Botox is allowed only to improve muscle disorders, such as repetitive twitch. You do not need botox to address facial wrinkles, because skin cells are still active and could be improved the skin elasticity.
Solution: In order to beautify the face, perform routine maintenance, keep the food, enough sleep, and exercise. Do not forget to take care of skin elasticity with a moisturizer in the morning and night cream before bed.
3. Avoid aggressive anti-aging products such as filler or injectable hormones.
Your skin is still in good shape, so do not need filler or injectable hormones, because Hormones that excessive negative impact, such as the emergence and vlek spots on the skin.
Solution: Use anti-aging product that is safe and mild, such as cream or vitamin antioxidants anti wrinkle
4. Do not try any skin whitener
Not a few whitening products that contain mercury. This bleach does give instant results in a short time. If used in the long run, mercury deposition will occur on the skin. If you stop, the skin looks more like black than the original, similarly hidroquinone content in bleach, so use of hidroquinone in a long time to make an uneven skin color.
Solution: Use a bleach product officially registered. Should always consult a doctor for skin health continues to be monitored. If you already have one of these skin problems over the internet, please intensive care at a dermatologist. The skin can return to its original state, provided that you perform regular maintenance in the long term.
5. Do not be easily tempted Collagen cosmetics.
Collagen does make the skin supple and youthful, but, can’t be absorbed only by applied. Collagen injections should be postponed, because the age of 20 muscle tissue and skin conditions are still very healthy.
Solution: To stimulate collagen, you can eat foods or supplements containing protein and amino acids. In addition, you can use a topical product containing tretinoin in light levels, with the supervision of a doctor.
6. Not to need injections of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for the skin, which can prevent premature aging. At the age below 30 years, the need for vitamin C is still to be addressed effectively by oral consumption.
Solution: Include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C contents meals daily.
7. Do not indiscriminate taking supplements.
Supplements are good for the skin that contains antioxidants including vitamins C and E. Do not over-taking supplements, basically, the contents of supplements to each other almost the same.
Solution: Pay attention to the content of supplements that you consume. For ages below 30, which is needed is a supplement of antioxidants such as vitamin C tablets and E. Use according to the recommended daily dose.
8. Liposuction (liposuction) is not necessary.
Fat body begins deposited at the age of 30 years. Before that age, our body systems are working well, so no need to do liposuction.
Solution: Exercise regularly setting up fiber-rich diet can prevent fat accumulation.
9. Postpone surgery facial attractiveness (facelift).
At age was 20-30 years, suppleness and elasticity of the skin is still very good. So, do not need a facelift.
Solution: Apply anti wrinkle cream containing tretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A to resist the aging process, prevent the ill effects of the sun, and the depletion of collagen).
10. Postpone surgery tummy tuck or get rid of fat and skin in the abdominal area.
Sagging stomach due to give birth makes many women feel the need to do tummy tuck. But, you should not do it. Before age 30, usually the body's metabolic system is still very good, so the skin area can return to normal with the help of sports and topical creams.
Solution: Avoid fatty foods and do exercise regularly muscle formation.