1. Which may be for kids?
Beauty care products is divided into 3, namely cosmetics (eg shampoos or make-up), drugs (prescription or based concoction), and cosmeceutical, namely a combination of cosmetics and medicines. Cosmeceutical, in addition to cleaning and caring for the skin, also serves to beautify the skin and appearance.
Examples are bleach cream or cream to remove wrinkles on the face. When choosing safe products for children and toddlers, select the entry in the category of cosmetics, For children older than 2 years, all kinds of cosmetics are generally relatively safe to use, because it does not alter the function of the skin.
2. Avoid Alcohol
Choosing products for babies need to be more careful. Once the baby is born, its skin structure is already the same as adults. However, its function is not mature and perfect, and just the same as adult skin of the baby after the age of 2 years. Baby's skin when aged 0-2 years tend to be thinner.
Various skin functions, in example for protection against pressure, absorption / uptake, transpiration, temperature control, and as a means of touch. In infants cause their skin is thinner, then the function of absorption greater. Especially in areas of folds, like the folds of the elbows, knees, armpits, and the eyes and lips. Noteworthy is not applying products that contain alcohol (methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol) on the parts of these folds. Alcohol is drying so easily cause irritation.
3. Deodorizer and Preservative food
Observe whether your child has special conditions, such as the skin is too dry eczema since birth or milk (usually arising in the cheek area with a reddish color.) These symptoms can occur when a baby is 2 months old. Although only arise in the face, overall it indicates more dry and sensitive skin.
You should not put products that contain fragrance ingredients and preservatives into your baby's skin. But, this does not mean all fragrance materials and preservatives should be avoided, because of the sensitivity of each single child is different. (Consult with your doctor.)
4. Be careful with Sunscreen
You should not share your sunscreen with your child. Because the content of sunscreen for adults tend to contain lots of moisturizer, because adults are more easily skin dry when in the sun. While sunscreen formulated for baby contain more water, because the child's skin is naturally look more oily.
Some sunscreens for adults also exist that contain PABA which is sensitizer, meaning that can trigger skin irritation in some sensitive. So, for more convenience, if the packaging of a product if the product is not written to apply to the age of children, better to avoid any use.
5. Are Effective children's products for mom?
In this case, no dose is too mild a term that is less efficacious for adults, because to achieve the desired result, it takes a certain standard, that need to be aware of precisely the benefits of these products, whether in accordance with the required capital. So, in principle, care given to children and infants can be ensured safe and can be applied also to the mother.